Resources for
Sexual violence
Sexual violence
The following materials were created prior to the merger between the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) and the Utah Department of Human Services (UDHS). These materials are only available upon request.
The "2020 Core SVIPP Fact Sheet" outlines a strategic approach by the Violence and Injury Prevention Program (VIPP) to address multiple forms of injury and violence in Utah by focusing on data-driven interventions. Key priority areas include healthcare access, economic stability, and social norms, with shared strategies such as trauma-informed approaches and strengthening economic support for women.
The "Sexual Violence Fact Sheet 2016" provides data on the prevalence and impact of sexual violence in Utah, noting that 9.7% of Utah adults reported experiencing non-consensual sexual activity. It highlights the connection between sexual violence and negative health outcomes, such as mental health issues and substance use, and emphasizes the importance of primary prevention strategies to reduce risk factors and promote protective factors.