Utah Coalition for Protecting Childhood (UCPC)
Strategy 2
Strategy 2: Enhance parenting skills to promote healthy child development
Approach 1 - Expand early childhood home visiting.
- Increase access to home visiting programs for eligible families.
- Continue and expand partnership with the Utah Home Visiting Program to explore ways to expand the number of families able to access home visiting services statewide.
- Increase awareness of the importance of home visiting programs to promote positive long-term health and opportunity outcomes.
- Encourage increased funding to expand home visiting to all communities across the state.
Approach 2 - Change social norms to support parents and positive parenting approaches.
- Increase awareness of and access to evidence-based parent training programs for families in need.
- Partner with Help Me Grow, the Home Visiting Program, Prevent Child Abuse Utah, the Division of Child and Family Services, and other relevant partners to enhance evidence-based parent training programs.
- Use Utah data to decrease misconceptions that lead to the use of physical discipline and educate on positive parenting alternatives.
Approach 3 - Encourage social norms change to promote quality connectedness for youth and caregivers.
- Conduct a statewide campaign to educate about the importance of social connectedness at the interpersonal, societal, and community levels.
- Create and administer population-specific toolkits to improve connectedness at the interpersonal, community, and societal levels.
Key strategy partners
DHHS Office of Home Visiting
Prevent Child Abuse Utah
United Ways of Utah - 211 Parenting Resources
United Ways of Utah - Help me grow
The Family Place - Better Together
DHHS Office of Maternal and Child Health
DHHS Division of Child and Family Services - Prevention
Fathers and families coalition of Utah
AG Office
Data to guide efforts
These strategies align with strategies/recommendations of the following agencies’ plans:
VIPP: "Encourage social norms that promote safety and health."
IGP: "Support parents as first teachers."
DHHS: "Implement prevention and early intervention strategies to reduce risk, trauma, and intergenerational cycles of isolation and suffering."
OUR: "Engage a multiple-touch support framework for parents and caregivers (medical systems, doctors and nurses, churches, other governmental and private institutions) to help every family successfully prepare children for education success." Enhance safety and increase resources for prevention education and support services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
VIPP: Violence and Injury Prevention Program at the Utah Department of Health.
IGP: Intergenerational Poverty Commission at the Department of Workforce Services.
DHHS: Department of Health and Human Services.
OUR: One Utah Roadmap.
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